Divisional Eusebius visit to Leonard Heeley Conclave
On Saturday 11th March 2017, I had the pleasure of attending Pemberton Masonic Hall, to join Leonard Heeley Conclave, at their Business meeting. Most Puissant Sovereign John Selley opened the Conclave and sailed through. The agenda.
The first matter was to ballot for and subsequently admit Graham Paul Greenall. As a joining member. He was given a warm welcome to the Conclave by all present.
The MPS, seemed particularly eager to get to Item 4 and very pleased. At the conclusion of it. Item 4 being to declare E. Kt. John Karran as Most Puissant. Sovereign for the ensuing year. This was followed by declaring W.Kt. Jeffrey Campbell. As Eminent Viceroy, for the ensuing year.
After I had brought the personal greetings of the Intendant General to the Conclave, I was presented with a gift by the Conclave recorder. At first, I thought it was the bar bill, but it transpired to be a celebration booklet of the first 50 years of this lovely Conclave. I was delighted with the gift.
We retired to the Festive board via the bar, to be informed that the meal was Soup and sandwiches and the delicious Pea & Ham Soup had been carefully and traditionally made by the Divisional Junior General P. Kt. Gordon Turner, with Split Peas and a Ham Hock, being the base. It was hot, filling and Delicious.
Gordon had appointed his wife to make a variety of lovely sandwiches, then a Cheese board and coffee as a finale.  My memory for names was in luck this morning, to have at the festive board. John Karren sat to my left, John Roberts sat to my right and John Selley sat opposite. I didn’t get any of their Christian names wrong throughout Lunch!
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Leonard Heeley. A lovely, friendly and warm Conclave, which I have every intention of returning to in a private capacity, for their Enthronement meeting in November.
Iain Brown. Div. Eusebius